Tag Archives: widow benefits
What Is the Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit?
”Aid and attendance” is a commonly used term for a little-known veterans’ disability income. The official title of this benefit is “Pension.” The reason for using “aid and attendance” to refer to Pension is that many veterans or their single surviving spouses can become eligible if they have a regular need for the aid… Read More »
Recent VA ruling regarding Lou Gehrig’s disease
On September 23 2008, the Veterans Administration made a ruling regarding veterans who died due to Lou Gehrig’s disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Veterans with this disease will now be considered to have a service connected disability. For veterans who died of this disease, their widows will be eligible for a monthly death benefit… Read More »
Veteran’s Benefits – Aid and Attendance
Many seniors are unaware that they may be eligible for the VA aid and attendance benefit. This benefit is available to veterans over the age of 65, who served at least 90 days of active duty, with one day during a period of wartime. They must have received a better than dishonorable discharge. If… Read More »