How Soon Do You Need to Contact an Estate Planning Lawyer After Losing Your Spouse?

When a spouse passes away this significantly changes your estate planning future. You need the help of an experienced and knowledgeable estate planning lawyer to review your existing plans and documents and to make recommendations about next steps. It can be hard to move through this process on your own while you are also dealing with the grief of your lost loved one.
When a client passes away your estate planning attorney should be prepared to review the entire estate for both the decedent and the survivor. This will give you a clear picture of any obstacles that you might face. It is very important to get help from a knowledgeable estate planning attorney as soon as possible.
It is vital for the surviving spouse to reprioritize all of their finances and conduct a thorough review of the estate plan. Knowing your wealth transfer tool options and some of the immediate challenges that you might expect in this circumstance can help equip you for better decision making overall, but you need the support of a lawyer to help clear up some of these concerns during this difficult time in your life.
Don’t wait to consult with a lawyer as you could miss out on important windows of opportunity for taking chances or revitalizing your estate plan during this time. A Virginia Beach, VA estate planning lawyer can help you with this situation and give you the guidance needed for success.