Category Archives: Social Security Benefits
Should You Wait to Claim Social Security Benefits Until Age 70?
Finally reaching the magical age to claim your Social Security benefits can be exciting, particularly if your retirement plans have not reached the financial level of comfort you’d like to see in your later years. But there can be some benefits to waiting until later on to take your social security benefits, particularly if… Read More »
Famed Personal Finance Guru Warns Of Making Mistakes In Retiring
Well-known financial journalist and leading commentator on personal finance Jane Bryant Quinn recently offered advice on avoiding retirement mistakes. The bad news is, that she leads off the article for the American Association of Retired Persons magazine with a warning against taking that important step too early. “Before you retire, figure out a solid… Read More »
Not All Who Want To Retire Early Are Ready For It
Many people long for early retirement, but not very many are actually prepared for it, according to a recent article in Forbes magazine. “Many Americans seem to be turning a blind eye to good advice, instead doing what they want to do rather than what may be best for them,” according to the piece… Read More »
Act Would Recognize Sacrifices Of Caregivers
Although it would appear, in this political day and age, to have much chance of passage, a New York congresswoman showed some real courage in the summer when she introduced the Social Security Caregiver Credit Act. The measure, if passed, would offer some small attempt to make whole wage earners who forego income… Read More »