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Author Archives: Site Administrator


What Duties Does an Attorney in Fact Have?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

When you appoint someone else to make decisions for you under a power of attorney, this other person may be referred to as an attorney in fact. Virginia follows the Uniform Power of Attorney Act. A basic power of attorney is durable in nature unless the document specifically states that it’s terminated by the… Read More »

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How Often Should I Audit My Estate Plan?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Auditing your estate plan sets you up to review your existing strategies, tools, and documents, ideally with the help of a knowledgeable estate planning attorney to discuss what’s still relevant and what may require updates. Many different circumstances might prompt you to work with a talented estate planning attorney in VA to set things… Read More »

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When Will a Court Appoint Financial Conservatorship in VA?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Financial guardianship refers to the appointment of a chosen individual to take financial actions on someone else’s behalf. Financial guardianship may be necessary when the individual in question is no longer able to handle their finances on their own and no documents like a power of attorney are in place to direct who should… Read More »

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Does Real Estate Get a Step Up in Basis When Put Inside A Trust?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Whether you own primary property or a vacation property in Virginia Beach, you need to plan for its future. The transfer of property can happen in a variety of ways and you should discuss your options with an estate planner. Many estate planning tools can help you to transfer assets smoothly and with more… Read More »

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Is Outright Disinheritance the Right Choice For An Estranged Child?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Many people have significant changes in their relationship with their children that unfold in later years. The estate plan that you established when these children were born, or even when they went off to college, may no longer align with your individual wishes. You have the option to outright disinherit somebody if you truly… Read More »

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What Other Important Papers Should My Executor Be Able to Find?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

The documents and instructions left for your loved ones explain your wishes and help them find critical details they need in the aftermath of your death. If your loved ones or appointed executor can’t find these materials, this could delay the administration of your estate and add to an already difficult situation. Even if… Read More »

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What To Know About Certain Assets That May Receive a Step Up in Basis

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Completing your comprehensive estate plan is something that should be done with the support of a qualified estate planning lawyer. An estate planning lawyer helps you to look at all of the assets you own and all of your potential liabilities to determine how these may factor into your probate estate. Your entire estate… Read More »

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Why You Need Estate Planning Now If You Have Health Issues

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Every person of any age and health status can benefit from an estate plan to ensure that your wishes are carried out, but a person with significant health issues must prioritize their end-of-life planning. You will need a will that determines who receives your assets as well as appoint someone to care for any… Read More »

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Is My Will A Matter of Public Record?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

You may recognize that creating a will is one of the best ways to document who you want to receive which assets when you pass away. A will is not required, but is strongly recommended for each adult over age 18. Your will is your chance to document your wishes surrounding your property and… Read More »

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How to Break Through Estate Plan Procrastination

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

When you’re young and single, you might assume you don’t need an estate plan. With so much of your life ahead of you, it’s simple to put it off. But all it takes is an illness where you want your wishes shared with your healthcare team or an accident that leaves you unable to… Read More »

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