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Are You Delaying Estate Planning by Underestimating the Future?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

It can be challenging to contemplate the uncertainties that lie ahead, but tackling estate planning now can make it simpler to take proactive measures or provide assistance to your loved ones down the line. Unfortunately, numerous individuals dismiss the notion of estate planning, believing it to be a distant concern that doesn’t apply to… Read More »

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How To Organize and Categorize Your Assets for Estate Planning Purposes

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

You can’t create a comprehensive estate planning without knowing what you own, what you owe and how you intend to address those various issues in documents and planning. Start by making a list of your assets which can include many different things, from stocks and bonds to real estate, to land you purchased, to… Read More »

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My Bank Offered Me A Transfer on Death or Payable On Death Designation: What Does This Mean?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

If something happens to you, you may want a loved one or a friend to get immediate access to your bank accounts. This helps prevent that asset from being tied up in the probate process and allows that loved one the chance to use those funds much sooner. Especially if you want to help… Read More »

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Estate Planning: What If My Asset Types Are Not Equal in Value?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

If you have a spouse and multiple children, there is a good chance you may want to account for each of them in your estate plan. It is hard to divvy up assets in an estate plan if you don’t first start by creating an inventory of all of your assets and liabilities. Assets… Read More »

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Will My Retirement Account Go Through Probate?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Every asset you own should be planned for accordingly in your estate plan. If you’re not familiar with this process or want the insight of someone familiar with your options, finding an area estate planning lawyer is crucial. If you don’t properly designate your beneficiaries for your retirement accounts, these may end up going… Read More »

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What Are a Trustees’ Real Responsibilities?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

It may seem like a default to name your oldest responsible child or your spouse as the trustee of an established trust. However, trust administration may require many different tasks and can be overwhelming or something that neither of those parties want to take on. The primary duties of a trustee include management, investment,… Read More »

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Make Your Estate Easier for Your Family: 4 Reasons

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

It can be difficult to approach the task of estate planning without confronting your own morbidity. Most people hope they’ll live for many more years and be able to provide care for their family members or spouse along that period. However, sitting down with an estate planning attorney is strongly recommended as it can… Read More »

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Four Things to Consider Including in a Virginia Living Will

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Do you have specific intentions about the medical care you do or don’t want at some point in your life? What if you’re not in the condition to be able to articulate these concerns for yourself? A Virginia living will is a medical directive that allows you to explain your wishes about what kinds… Read More »

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What To Know About Avoiding Probate in Virginia

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

You may have heard horror stories about probate or potentially were appointed as an executor in someone else’s estate and learned firsthand the difficulties of closing out someone’s estate. Working with a qualified Virginia Beach estate planning lawyer, you may learn that there are many ways to avoid probate. When you pass away, the… Read More »

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What Is a Virginia Transfer-On-Death Deed?

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Do you know what will happen to your home if you were to pass away? If you have loved ones or specific intentions for your home, this needs to be documented in an estate plan. There are many different estate planning tools available to you and a conversation with a Virginia Beach estate planning… Read More »

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