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Monthly Archives: August 2024


New Study Shows That Eating Well at 40 Could Impact Your Health at 70

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Numerous diets have made their way into the collective consciousness as means of slowing down the cognitive decline caused by Alzheimer’s. We’ve featured a number of these diets on our blogs. But eating right isn’t just for those who are battling cognitive decline. It’s for anyone who wants to be healthy and active at… Read More »

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As COVID Surges, Only 40% Of Nursing Home Residents Have Received Their Latest COVID Vaccine

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

Are nursing homes dropping the ball again when it comes to COVID? It seems like no one is taking COVID seriously anymore, but the virus continues to claim lives even as we know more about it, how it functions, and have medications prepared for it. COVID tends to surge over the summer and nursing… Read More »

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Protecting Assets and Wishes: Essential Legal Steps for Alzheimer’s Patients and Their Families

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

As Alzheimer’s gradually diminishes an individual’s ability to communicate, it also poses a potential threat to their estate and assets. Families who have a loved one whose cognition is in gradual decline will want to safeguard their loved one’s wishes for their estate before they become incapacitated. There are crucial legal steps that need… Read More »

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Some Retirees Aren’t Allowed to Choose Between Medicare or Medicare Advantage

By The Law Office of Angela N. Manz |

After the age of 65, Americans are generally allowed to choose between traditional Medicare or a private health insurer’s Medicare Advantage plan (also called Medicare Part C). However, it is becoming increasingly common for retirees with health benefits from their former employers to not be given a choice. Instead, these retirees are told that… Read More »

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